TELE's Business Services submark

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Client: Telecom Finland Oy (today Sonera)

Place: Helsinki, Finland

Year: 1996



The submark depicting this unit uses ellipses and dots, like the rest of the IVI™ family *. It expresses exchange and trading transactions, represented by two
intersected ellipses one outlined, the other dotted in perspective, resembling networks of enterprises.

Regarding the metaphor of organisations seen as living organisms, it represents
a molecule with a nucleus and neutrons orbiting it. The central ellipse represents
the nucleus of the operations and the Planet
as global market. The outlined ellipse represents the orbit drawn by one dynamic enterprise interacting with the nucleus.
The dotted ellipse signifies a group of enterprises in permanent and
dynamic interaction.


The dots in perspective in various sizes reinforce the feeling of three dimensions (distance and depth). A second meaning
of the submark is the presence of TELE's parent mark in the centre. It resembles
the satellite dish making the connection between the nucleus (a company) and
the rest of companies surrounding it.
On traditional media the colours for the
BS submark are turquoise to signify globalisation (Planet Earth).
For the central and outlined ellipses, it is used purple for the dotted ellipse to connote maturity and stability and blue for the logotype, in order to convey the message
of global presence. On a kinetic version colours will mutate to convey diverse messages, as many times as needed.
On screen, the BS submark will move resembling the metaphor of a molecule.
In the transition from the parent mark,
it will mutate from a Planet orbited by
a satellite dish into the submark.

The BS submark also contains a distinctive sound, which will help it to identify it with the rest of the IVI™ for TELE. With the help of smart hosts (e.g. Java applets) it will convey recorded messages, video, text
and the like.
And in the near future, as soon as the technological advancements allow it: smells, tastes, tactile textures, and so on.

* © 1996-2006 Interactive Virtual Identity and IVI™ are Registered Trademarks owned exclusively by Federico García.

All Rights Reserved