Parent mark, table, computer, screen and light inside ...
plus a cup of cofee.

Experiential interactive table-display

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Client: Tele, Telecom Finland Oy

(today Sonera)

Place: Helsinki, Finland

Year: 1996



Sponsored by TELE (Telecom Finland, currently Sonera Oy, the company case on my master thesis in candidacy for an MA in Design Leadership, presented on June 1996), on march 1996 I designed this

table-display to present my conceptual model demonstration of an Interactive Virtual Identity (IVI©)*.

On the first photo you can see the sketches I presented to my sponsors.
The last two photos show two different views of my final table-display. The main concept on this design was to have an interactive and experiential table that could support the presentation of my demonstration on a CD-ROM.

The table can be used as a coffee table, e.g. at cybercafes, museums, educational institutions, and so forth.

I appointed an excellent Canadian industrial designer to masterly build my design.

The materials used were: sandblasted glass, metal sheets, a wooden base on the bottom and 4 wheels, so the table becomes mobile.
Inside the table there is a computer's CPU and a 15 inches monitor, together with two loud speakers. As an ornamental element I covered the interior walls of the table with coloured paper and placed a lamp inside.

On the table's surface (glass) the Parent Mark I designed for TELE was sandblasted, on the centre of the table a non-sandblasted rectangle allows the viewer to see the screen and move the mouse on

the table's surface.

The table was donated to the UIAH
University of Art and Design in Helsinki
, and can be seen at the Media Lab and its impressive New Media Centre.

* © 1996-2006 IVI Interactive Virtual Identity is a Registered Trademark
owned exclusively by Federico Garcia.

All Rights reserved.