federicografia's Photography
federicografia by Federico Garcia is a designer and also a very good Photographer, and this section is dedicated to the photographer living inside the designer, or was it to the designer living inside the photographer? Never mind, real design is everywhere, always: in nature,
in architecture (finding structured shapes in nature)...
in every shape and every colour.
A good designer must observe and get inmersed with his/her surroundings in order to support and improve the search for a concept.
For almost 20 years federicografia by
Federico Garcia has borrowed existing images (present everywhere) in order to communicate through photography:
"An image says...sells more than a thousand words". With the help of that magic black box he's used many of his own imagery to create great and simple identities, packages, labels, posters, websites, and so forth.
Perhaps you have a product or service that needs a lift to better communicate its intrinsic qualities. As you know besides a good design, a good photo might make a huge difference.
What is federicografia's Photograhy?
Nature, People, Lasndscapes, Animals,
and beyond our eyes thanks to the magic of macrophotography... this is the way he sees the marvelous world around us, in front of us every day.... prodigious Mother Earth and all of her unknown and known wonders.
That is what federicografia's photography
is all about.